A BKDK Zine centered around the SCP Foundation and its anomalies.
What is SCP/The SCP Foundation?
In short, Secure, Contain, and Protect are both the initials of the SCP foundation, as well as the foundation’s steadfast motto. It is a foundation that contains (or attempts to contain) anomalies around the world, whether they’re harmless… or not.
This shadowy organization works outside of public awareness to protect human life to the best of their ability, keeping the general population unaware of what they contain. In their case, ignorance is bliss.
The foundation is well-funded and staffed, and operates with or without the support of the government. They classify anomalies according to how easy or difficult the anomaly is to contain, and not how dangerous it actually is.
To most, there are only three known classifications: Safe, Euclid, and Keter.
Officially, there are five official classes: Safe, Euclid, Keter, Thaumiel, and Apollyon.
Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained.
Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that either require extra resources to contain, or containment isn’t always reliable.
Keter-class SCPs are anomalies that are exceedingly difficult to contain, or are contained by extensive and complex procedures.
Thaumiel-class SCPs are anomalies that are used to counteract other SCPs.
Apollyon-class SCPs are impossible to contain, and are those known to inevitably end the world.
There are other classes that are known on the SCP wiki, but only used in other sites.
For more information, please consider visiting Introduction to the Foundation by the Exploring Series, The Rubber for more animated stories, and the SCP Wiki itself.
What is the SCP Foundation?
It is a fictional organization that is responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law, and document all possible interactions with them.
In short, they find and contain anomalies.
Is the SCP Foundation real?
Nope! The Foundation is completely made up by various contributors as seen on the wiki. The site may LOOK real, but it is completely fake and full of stories that are written by many people around the world.
Can we write about ANY SCPs? Are there any that are off limits? Should we worry about copyright?
All SCPs are free reign due to the entirety of the 'series' falling under a Creative Commons license. If using a particular SCP, you must credit the work(s) you used in the piece you make. You are more than welcome to make an SCP of your own.
There is only one that will be off-limits due to copyright shenanigans: SCP-173.
You can find more information on this particular anomaly, as well as further info on the Creative Commons licensing, on the actual SCP Wiki.
SCP Wiki Licensing Guide
How does My Hero Academia fit with the SCP Universe?
There's so many variants and worlds with quirks already that I'm sure some idea could be done where quirks would want to be controlled by a certain foundation...
What are the zine dimensions?
The book will be A4, soft bound.
Can you ship internationally?
Everywhere EXCEPT to the UK due to VAT. If you are from the UK and would like to purchase one, please contact mod Feth and she will do her best to ship to you!
What's the rating of the zine?
The physical zine will be SFW, while the PDF addition will be NSFW.
This MAY change in the future.
What are the requirements to apply?
You must be 18 or over.
Interest Check | July 1st - July 31st |
Mod Applications | August 8th - September 1st |
Contributor Applications | September 15th - October 31st |
Contributor Application Results | November 1-3rd |
Acceptance Deadline | November 10th |
Pitches Due | November 17th |
First Check-In | December 1st |
Second Check-In | January 1st |
Final Check-In | February 1st |
Preorders | February 13th to March 31st |
Production | March - April |
Shipping | Est. April |
Dr. Feth
Twitter - Ao3
Head Mod, Finance/Shipping Mod. This entire project was her idea! Despite having no zine experience, Feth has had successful Kickstarters as well as years of experience attending conventions as both Staff and Exhibitor.
It is said that she's made of chaos incarnate, though that may be due to the energy drinks she consumes.
Dr. Cloud
Secondary Mod, Art Overseer. Dr. Cloud is best known for their work with [REDACTED]. With their diverse medical background, they can often be noted studying the effects of [REDACTED] in humans - often times with a cup of coffee in hand.
Dr. Lola
Twitter - Ao3 - Tumblr
Writing Mod. A newer recruit, Dr. Lola is just settling in after transferring to [REDACTED]. Please make sure not to ask her anything about any particular anomalies.
Dr. Schrodinger
Twitter - Ao3
Layout/Graphics Mod. Will you find her in her box? Or perhaps in [REDACTED]? If found, please give her lots of head pats.
Dr. Em
Social Media Mod
ㅤㅤ! ㅤㅤㅤㅤ [REDACTED],
██ ███
Application Guidelines Here!
Writer Application
Please list three (3) samples of what you consider to be your best writing. All writing samples must be between 3k and 5k words.
A 300 word buffer will be allowed on either side of the limit, but no more than that.Excerpts are acceptable, but at least one sample MUST be a completed story.At least one sample MUST be BnHA.At least one sample surrounding BKDK is PREFERRED but not required for application.If submitting a Google Doc, make sure file sharing is enabled otherwise we will not be able to judge accordingly.If applying to the NSFW position, include at least one NSFW Submission.
Artist Application
Please list three (3) samples of what you consider your best pieces. There will be two options on submission styles. You can either provide a link to your sample via Twitter, Google Docs, etc., or you can upload a file directly to this form. They do not all have to be the same submission style, you can provide a mixture of links and file uploads.
At least two art pieces must be full page illustrations.At least one sample MUST be BnHA.At least one sample surrounding BKDK is PREFERRED but not required for application.Please make sure file sharing is open otherwise we will not be able to judge accordingly.If applying to the NSFW position, include at least one NSFW Submission.
Merch Artist Application
Please list three (3) samples of what you consider your best pieces. There will be two options on submission styles. You can either provide a link to your sample via Twitter, Google Docs, etc., or you can upload a file directly to this form. They do not all have to be the same submission style, you can provide a mixture of links and file uploads.
Merch given can be examples of acrylic charms, enamel pins, emotes, etc.At least one sample MUST be BnHA.At least one sample surrounding BKDK is PREFERRED but not required for application.Please make sure file sharing is open otherwise we will not be able to judge accordingly.If applying to the NSFW position, include at least one NSFW Submission below!